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Online Merchant Account.
Merchant account is a type of bank account for
accepting electronic payments with credit and debit cards. With online merchant account you can transact your payment directly in your personal bank account
within 2 business days. A merchant account is recognized under a contract
between an acceptor and a merchant acquiring bank for the clearance of payment
card transactions. While buying any product online we use card payment to pay
for the goods we buy. Now the credit card transaction are sent to the acquiring
bank for authorization, capture and deposit.
Know the back ground of your customers
Increasing sales with new customers is the winning sign
of any business organization. Study about the customers back ground and
analysis them who are the best customers and what they want from you. This can
help you to improve your customer satisfaction and increase more sales to your
existing customers.
Some of the business organization used CRM based
software to analysis the useful information about the customers and prompt
opportunities to add more sales with new locations you need to improve.
What are the function of merchant account?
The process and the system of a merchant account are
different from another merchant account processor.
Of the Merchant Banking Function are as here
Creates promotional Activities;
The merchant account is act as a promoter of your
enterprise, it helps the business in identifying of project, preparing reports
and government approvals and incentives.
It helps the business to provide special services
like loan applications for long and short term finance from different bank and
financial institutions.
Leasing and Financing;
Many merchant bankers provide hiring and finance
facilities to their customers. Also helps the business by raising the funds in
the way of public deposit.
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