Thursday, 28 February 2019

Merchant Account for High Risk Payment Processing by Radiant Pay

Online Business ventures are segregated into many categories, but the most important kind of bifurcation is done by the amount of risk involved in the payment processing. The businesses are simply categorized on likelihood of the risk created to the payment acquiring banks. So the payment processing card association declares some online business as high risk or low risk based on certain factors.
High-risk business is considered risky due to extravagant and hidden chargeback thus leading to high processing fees. For Businesses like adult entertainment, casinos, tobacco etc. banks or financial institutes do not accept payments readily due to high credit card payment and frauds. High-risk business are made to sign strict and complex terms and are offered higher rates compared to low-risk payment processes accounts. Almost every bank accepts payment for low-risk business.
For running a high-riskbusiness you need to have a merchant account with an acquiring bank before accepting payments online. A lot of banks avoid processing electronic payments of high-risk business. Even if they do accept payment for this type of business they make them agree to an unconventional terms and conditions.
The solution to this problem can be solved by establishing a relationship with an online payment gateway provider. Here at radiant pay we provide best online payment gateway services suitable for your business. We monitor potential threats and help fighting the huge chargebacks, also we keep track of any suspicious transactions on a daily basis. We have the right tools directed towards your business models which help make your high-risk payment processing efficient and have clear benefits. We work for the longevity of your online business. We dedicate ourselves in providing you with processing solutions which are well customized and suitable for your business model and overcome all the above difficulties of a high-risk business.

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